What is a laser?
The word LASER is an acronym for "Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation". In simpler terms, a laser is a high energy concentrated beam of monochromatic light that stays focused over long distances.
What is a laser projector?
A laser projector is a device that contains multiple laser beam sources of different colors that are combined and manipulated to project vivid shapes and patterns. No other light fixture has the creative potential of a laser projector, whose output can instantly change shape, color and character in complex and beautiful ways. Precision Lasers stocks a large inventory of laser projectors capable of many stunning effects.
How is a laser projector controlled?
A laser projector is controlled by a laser operator who triggers cues from a computer console. Cues can be written on the spot or can be pre-programmed to follow music and sound effects. A laser operator can play these cues live or they can be played back by external sources such as timecode or a lighting console. Custom cue generation and playback options are possible.
Laser programming can be as simple as writing a few cues on location or it can be as complex as spending many weeks writing perfectly syncopated cues that follow hours of music. Programming can be performed with live laser projectors or using a computer visualizer. This can be a cost effective way of programming a large show before renting equipment. We often program remotely from our Los Angeles studio and send filmed effects for approval prior to travelling.
Are lasers safe?
Lasers are high energy light sources that are as dangerous as they are beautiful. Human eyes, camera sensors, and video projectors can all be damaged by irresponsible laser use. We perform a laser safety assessment prior to any event and send a Laser Safety Officer to ensures that lasers operate smoothly on site. In many cases you won’t have to think much about laser safety and can focus on the effects we’re creating. Our Laser Safety Officers are skilled at finding creative solutions to make effects safe for performers, audiences and cameras.
What is a laser safety officer?
A Laser Safety Officer is a person skilled in identifying potential laser safety hazards and finding solutions for safely creating effects. Before any laser performance the Laser Safety Officer will discuss laser output and potential hazards so everyone knows what to expect when the lasers are turned on. The Laser Safety Officer will alert performers and personnel prior to any laser output. They actively watch for dangers, ready to terminate output if necessary. A Laser Safety Officer’s #1 priority is keeping all people and equipment safe by making laser output predictable and easy to work with.
Do you have a laser license?
Yes we do. In the USA it is illegal to operate a high powered laser without first receiving a variance from the FDA. We have variances that allow us to perform advanced effects like audience scanning. We have extensive laser safety training and certifications that go beyond federal requirements. Additionally we have a great relationship with the FAA, who we contact when we perform unterminated outdoor laser shows. We are corporate members of the International Laser Display Association, and we support their high level of international laser safety standards when we operate outside the USA.
is laser radiation dangerous?
Not in the way that people sometimes think. The term “Laser Radiation” seen on laser warning labels refers to the fact that a laser projects electromagnetic radiation in the form of light, which would be harmless if it wasn’t so concentrated. It does not mean the laser projector contains radioactive materials.
Normally a high powered laser doesn’t come into contact with audience or performers. Audience scanning is a technique where laser output is modified so that beams project safely into human occupied areas. This creates an immersive experience where people and cameras can move through the laser beams freely. Precision Lasers has a large inventory of audience scanning laser projectors, and operators skilled in their safe usage.
Laser Banding is a filmed effect where lasers are programmed so a camera only captures part of the laser light emitted. This effect can be used to create slow floating ribbons and beams and highly energized lightning-like effects. Lasers float in the air and can even be stopped completely. Laser Banding is a new experimental technique that has gained a lot of popularity since we introduced it to the world. It can be used to add excitement to film shoots and broadcast events.
Are lasers expensive?
Yes, and no. If you try to buy a high powered laser you might be surprised to find it costs as much as a new car. But if you rent the same laser from us you’ll find the rates are reasonable. We stock lasers of many power levels to meet different effect requirements and budgets. A live show will typically require more lasers than a film set. Windows 10, the most widespread laser project of all time, was created using a single laser projector. You don’t necessarily need 100 laser projectors to make a big impact, but it definitely helps.
Lasers are a recent human invention that have never been observed in the natural universe. The process of stimulated emission was first theorized by Albert Einstein in 1917. In 1960, Theodore H. Maiman used Einstein’s theory to create the first visible laser using a synthetic ruby and photographic flash-lamps. In the 1970’s Pink Floyd discovered lasers in a military lab and introduced them as a live stage show effect, starting the huge surge in laser show popularity that continues to this day. The first lasers used for special effects were massive water-cooled power-hungry machines that were difficult to operate and created small output using simple optical effects. Today we use small & efficient air cooled laser projectors with fast mirrored scanners capable of creating complex output with precision, power and speeds that could only be dreamed of in the past. Laser technology continues to accelerate at an exponential rate and we harness it to push the limits of creative laser expression.
Do you accept bitcoin?
Absolutely! We believe Bitcoin is the currency of the future. If you pay in Bitcoin (or certain other cryptocurrencies) we are happy to offer a discount on any of our services. Please contact Adam, he loves talking about this stuff.
Contact us
We love challenging projects! Our team of laser experts specialize in making complex effects effective, reliable, and safe. We will work with you every step of the way to realize your vision while meeting your budget and deadlines. How can we help you achieve your laser dreams?
Precision Lasers
Los Angeles, CA
(323) 840-3636